Rondesse - An Overview

Rondesse - An Overview

This article is meant for Rondesse Employees, Partners, and Associates.

All employees should be aware of what we are offering at Rondesse. Below are resources you can use to make sure that you are updated and informed.
The Rondesse website is where we can show our sales leads/contacts/ associates to showcase what Rondesse is all about. Navigate the pages to understand more about our services and how we are choosing to present them to clients
To know more about each of the brand partners and their products, search their brand names here on our KB to see the articles created for each.

Rondesse officially launched in January, 2024. As of this writing, we have served over 65 clients.

Please see the POCs for each of the areas of Rondesse's operations:
  1. Legal Inquiries may be forwarded to ; cc: 
  2. Law enforcement, Private Investigations, and Other Security Inquiries are handled by
  3. Cyber Security Expert / CEH inquiries are channeled through
  4. Handling Technical Support and Customer Service concerns are overseen by and 
  5. Marketing concerns may be forwarded to , cc: ; ; 
  6. Sales inquiries can be handled by concierges, but for the purpose of structure and organization, may be sent to : , cc: 
  7. Procurement, and Vendor/Partner Management are handled by
  8. Case handling and case management questions may be handled by and , cc: 
  9. Zoho Account/ Client Account Management is handled by
  10. Management of active cases is handled by the entire management team, led by
  11. Operations & Process Management, including Hiring, Pricing, Revenues, and Contracts are handled by 
Additional Resources:

This electronic document or any other attached hereto may contain confidential and/or privileged information. The information is intended only for use of Tech Warehouse Inc employees, partners, and associates. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of the information, unless sanctioned by management is strictly prohibited.

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