Legal Features Comparison: Rocket Lawyer vs Legal Shield

Legal Features Comparison: Rocket Lawyer vs Legal Shield

   Below is table of a quick comparison of Rocket lawyer vs Legal Shield


Legal Documents
Unlimited - Self Service document creation
- Will/Living Will/Healthcare POA/Financial POA - Traffic Ticket Assistance - Moving Violations
Ask a Lawyer questions
Unlimited - Self-Service thru RL Portal
Personal Legal Advice - Unlimited number of Personal Issues
Attorney Discounts
40% off hourly rates or as low as $125/hour
25% Preferred Member Discount
Attorney Consultations
Free 30 minute consultation on each new legal matter
Personal Legal Advice - Unlimited number of Personal Issues
Document Reviews
2 per month, up to 10 pages each
Contracts/Documents Reviewed - up to 15 pages
Letters/Calls on your behalf
40% off hourly rates or as low as $125/hour
Letters/Calls made on your behalf per issue. Subsequent letters are subject to 25% member discount
Family /Domestic Services
(Available 90 consecutive days from the effective date) - Uncontested: Divorce, Adoption, Separation, Name Change
Lawyer Fees for Lawsuits
40% off hourly rates or as low as $125/hour
25% Preferred Member Discount
Civil Trial Defense
40% off hourly rates or as low as $125/hour
Civil Trial defense - covers 60 hours of trial and pre-trial activities
Tax Audit Assistance
Tax Audit Assistance
Emergency Protection
24/7 Emergency Protection

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