Transforming Rondesse Prospects to Customers

Transforming Rondesse Prospects to Customers

The following process shall be applied by Rondesse Concierges and OB sales associates for Prospects/ WARM leads - these are leads that are already engaged and has expressed interest.


Once we have the customer's contact information:
(1) We send an email to introduce Rondesse and schedule a call. In this e-mail, we want to: (see:
  1. Introduce who we are and what we do
  2. Address specific inquiries or concerns that they previously expressed, if there were any
  3. Demonstrate that we pay attention by also mentioning their specific issues and potential solutions, if there were any
  4. Relate the potential solutions to Rondesse solutions and services
  5. Propose a call for a more in-depth discussion
  6. Include online sign-up instructions for immediate action/ purchase, if desired
SAMPLE EMAIL: You may use this as guide/ reference, or template, but you are free to draft your own
Subject: Discover Rondesse – What kind of Help do

Hi [Client's Name],

Thank you for reaching out to Rondesse.

I'm Jenny, your concierge from Rondesse. If you let me, I will be personally assisting you through your life challenges from hereon. Our company specializes in comprehensive scam defense and recovery solutions. Beyond that, we provide a seamless one-stop experience encompassing cybersecurity, technical support, device protection, legal services, accounting assistance, and mental health support—addressing both scam-related concerns and other challenges.

Given your situation, here’s how we can help:

Solution 1: [Brief description]
Solution 2: [Brief description]
I invite you to book a call to explore how we can tailor our services to meet your needs. Here are your options:
Book an appointment directly here:
Reply to this email with your preferred times
Call Rondesse Legal directly at 888-533-3002
I look forward to our conversation.

SAMPLE EMAIL: You may use this as guide/ reference, or template, but you are free to draft your own
Subject: Thank You for Reaching Out – Let's Discuss Your Needs

Hi [Prospect's Name],

Thank you for reaching out. We’re excited about the opportunity to discuss how our comprehensive solutions can support your needs.

At Rondesse, we specialize in providing top-tier services that include cybersecurity, technical support, legal assistance, and mental health support. Our goal is to offer you a one-stop-shop experience with personalized and comprehensive protection.

Could we schedule a call to discuss your specific requirements and how we can tailor our services to best meet your needs? Please let me know a convenient time for you, or feel free to book a slot directly on my calendar [insert booking link].

Looking forward to our conversation.

SAMPLE EMAIL: You may use this as guide/ reference, or template, but you are free to draft your own
Subject: Empowering Your Security and Legal Needs with Rondesse Expertise
Hello [Client's First Name],

A warm welcome to Rondesse—where we merge expertise with innovation to champion your security and legal interests. Following  <your referral from one of trusted attorneys/ your initiative through our website> we're thrilled to extend our suite of specialized services to you.

Our mission at Rondesse is to address the multifaceted nature of today's challenges with a dynamic and customized approach. Here's how we do it:
  1. Cybersecurity Vigilance: Our cybersecurity experts, backed by leading solutions from IDIQ and Norton Lifelock, fortify your digital life against emerging threats.
  2. Legal Acumen: Gain unparalleled access to Rondesse Legal PLLC, where our legal experts are committed to providing strategic and customer-centric legal services.
  3. Business Insight: Elevate your business with our Remote Managed Services, leveraging technology to protect and grow your enterprise.
  4. Financial Oversight: Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are ready to guide you through financial intricacies, ensuring clarity and compliance.
  5. Investigative Clarity: When the need arises, our private investigators dig deep to uncover facts essential to your personal or business interests.
Professionals collaborate seamlessly to ensure that whether you require standalone assistance or an integrated service model, your needs are met with precision and personal attention.

I'm eager to delve into a conversation about how our tailored solutions can meet your specific requirements. Please share a time that suits you for a call or meeting, and I will arrange everything.

Your next step is simple—reply to this email. Let's embark on a journey toward fortified security and empowered legal and professional support.

(2) We make a follow-up call the next day, if no response is received
After  at least 3 unsuccessful attempts (e-mails and phone calls) to reach out within a 2-week period, stop contacting the customer. Just ensure that our last email has all the information they need to get back to us when they decide. Email with the customer's contact information, with the subject line indicating: ATTENTION: Reset our strategy for this Dormant Lead


(3) When we speak to the customer, the goal is to:
  1. Get more information about the customer ,  and his/her case/issue, if there is any. This will help determine the best approach and offer matching both their need and capacity to pay,
  2. Introduce Rondesse again, and provide information on what we offer, highlighting services & solutions that will aid in solving their stated issue/s.
    1. Should there be no existing issue (pre-need lead! - yey!) , Present Rondesse as an insurance or protection plan for things to come. Think of possible scenarios or issues related or applicable to the client's profile, and how our specific solution bundles can help if and when that happens.
    2. Highlight our Unique Selling Points/ Value Proposition:

  1. Close the sale on the same call if you can, or;
  2. Gather specific questions and schedule another meeting to demonstrate our dedication,

(4) Preparing for the SALES call: (Include 1 A-team member/ Case Manager, and the concierge)
  1. Read through the information that was already shared with us, so we avoid asking the client to repeat himself unless we have to clarify something.
  2. Other members who will join the call should write down potential questions on the GC, so the concierge will have it handy and we won't miss any during the call. 
  3. We should already research the client's issue, and be ready with possible solutions related to that issue
  4. We should also be ready with possible objections, comparisons, and scrutiny
(5) The Sales Call:
  1. The concierge will be opening the call, introducing who's on the call then talking through what we already know about the client's case, and then asking the client to share his own account of the issue.
  2. After this, we ask questions that will help us determine what this client needs. 
  3. Once we are done asking questions, and we have a better understanding of the client's needs, the concierge will mention potential actions/solutions, rest will add more comment as deemed necessary
  4. After this, we flash the subscription plans.
  5. The concierge will talk about the features in relation to the potential actions/ solutions, suggesting which one is best for the client, the team is expected to pitch in, this will demonstrate attention and concern
  6. Let the client ask questions, we answer, and this is when we assess the client's reaction if he or she is willing to pay.
  7. If the client is uncertain about their needs and is primarily seeking legal services, assure them that we can tailor a personalized plan to accommodate their specific requirements. It's important to remind the client that Rondesse Legal Fees, including the lawyer retainer, come with substantial discounts exclusively available to Rondesse subscribers.

In cases like this, please contact Jenny and provide the following information so that she can craft a customized plan for the client:
    1. Client's specific situation and needs.
    2. The scope of work required.
    3. A price quote or rate for legal services from the lawyer.

  1. In any case, we will tell the customer that the subs plan recommendation will be sent via email as well, and while it will be great if we can get him/her to commit to signing up right away, there is no need to make any decision during the call.

Sample Email:  You may use this as a template, but you are free to draft your own
Dear [First Name],

Thank you for your valuable time and thoughtful consideration during our discussions. We appreciate the opportunity to address your needs and show how Rondesse can provide comprehensive solutions to your unique challenges.

As a recap, our Rondesse services designed for you include:

• [specific Rondesse solution/service]
• [specific Rondesse solution/service]
• [specific Rondesse solution/service]

In addition, we're prepared to help you overcome future challenges around [other services specified in the plan], all included in one convenient and cost-effective subscription plan.


With Rondesse, you gain more than just a service. You secure comprehensive protection, disruption-level pricing, and personalized VIP concierge support. Our package is crafted to provide not only solutions but also peace of mind in an ever-evolving digital world.

We're here to clarify any uncertainties you might have before finalizing your decision. If you have any remaining questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. I can schedule a call or a meeting at your earliest convenience.

If you're ready to proceed with your subscription, here's how to do it:
  1. Visit to read our Customer Service Agreement. Fill out and submit the form.
  2. Check your email for a confirmation message. This will include your discount code, a payment link, and a copy of the Customer Service Agreement.
  3. Visit the payment link at and click the corresponding button for your chosen plan. This will take you to a page where you can complete your payment.
  4. Upon successful payment, you'll receive an email confirming your subscription activation.
Alternatively, just reply to this email or call me for assistance throughout the process.

We appreciate your consideration of Rondesse as your protection partner. We look forward to potentially welcoming you to our community, where peace of mind is a priority.

For clients with legal issues, below can be a follow up email, to the one above -

Sample Email:  You may use this as a template, but you are free to draft your ownv

Subject: Tailored Legal Solutions Awaiting Your Confirmation

Dear [First Name],

Thank you for engaging with us recently to explore how Rondesse can address the legal challenges you're facing. We understand that while our comprehensive subscription plans offer a suite of services, your immediate need centers on legal assistance.

To that end, Rondesse is ready to provide tailored legal support. Our partnership with Rondesse Legal PLLC means you have direct access to a dedicated team of legal professionals who are well-equipped to handle your specific situation. Here’s what we can offer:

• Direct consultation with a qualified lawyer from Rondesse Legal PLLC
• A clear scope of work defined to match your legal needs
• An agreed-upon fee structure that aligns with the services you require

There’s no need to commit to a broader subscription plan at this time. Our focus is to ensure your legal concerns are addressed with the utmost precision and care.

To initiate this process:
1. Please reply to this email to confirm your interest in legal services alone.
2. We will then schedule a meeting to define the scope of your legal needs.
3. Following this, we'll present a tailored engagement agreement for your review.

We believe in fostering a connection that transcends a traditional client-service provider relationship. With Rondesse, you're not just getting legal support; you're gaining a proactive partner committed to your peace of mind.

Let’s address your legal challenges together. Reach out to me directly to take the next step.

Follow-up as necessary  to close the sale.
After  at least 3 unsuccessful attempts (e-mails and phone calls) to reach out within a 2-week period, stop contacting the customer. Just ensure that our last email has all the information they need to get back to us when they decide.Update the Lead Entry Status to: Unavailable/ Not Responding (3+)

This electronic document or any other attached hereto may contain confidential and/or privileged information. The information is intended only for use of Tech Warehouse Inc employees, partners, and associates. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of the information, unless sanctioned by management is strictly prohibited.

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